Other Work

Short Fiction

COIN,” short story, Somesuch Stories, November 2017

Know Your Enemy,” short story, Wired, January 2017 (Storybound version here)

“Babylon,” short story, Playboy, June 2016

“Hey, Haole,” short story, Pleiades, summer 2016

“Under a Crescent Moon,” novel excerpt, Epiphany, winter/spring 2013

“And Bugs Don’t Bleed,” short story, Fire & Forget, February 2013

“Brothers in Arms,” short story, The Nevada Review, spring 2011

Nonfiction & Journalism

At the Parade,” The New York Times, opinion, November 2019

The President’s Field Trip to the Forever War,” The New York TimesSunday Review, December 2018

Welcome to the Age of the Commando,” The New York TimesSunday Review, January 2016

How to Run a Successful Writing Workshop for Veterans,” The New York Times, At War, September 2013

The Hut Next Door,” The New York Times, Home Fires, May 2011

Remembering Mark,” The New York Times, At War, May 2011

Pilgrim’s Progress,” The New York Times, Home Fires, January 2011

The Sentinels of Silicon Valley,” Esquire, December 2019

The Newest Recruit,” Esquire, September 2019

Ernie and Me: an essay on Hemingway,” The Paris Review Daily, February 2016

Michael Herr: 1940-2016,” The Paris Review Daily, June 2016

Tim O’Brien: a Profile,” TIME Magazine, October 2019

Uncle Sam’s Next-Gen Cyber Troops,” Wired, March 2018

One Man’s Mad Journey to the Big Buck Hunter Championship,” Wired, May 2015

Forty Years After the Fall: Vietnam War Lit in 2015,” Los Angeles Review of Books, April 2015

On Culpability and Carrying the Gun: an Interview with Brian Turner,” Los Angeles Review of Books, September 2014

Where’s the Great Novel About the War on Terror?” The Atlantic, June 2011

A Ghost on Tobacco Road,” The Classical, February 2012

How Does Our War in Syria End?” The Boston Globe, April 2017

Trump Rejects the Muslims Who Helped Us,” The Boston Globe, January 2017

Back Home Then, Back Home Now,” The Boston Globe, January 2016

The Enduring Legacy of Pat Tillman,” Men’s Health, October 2018

The Moral Responsibility of Volunteer Soldiers,” Boston Review, November 2013

After the Slaughter,” Boston Review, March 2012

Straight Shooter,” Boston Review, September/October 2011

How America Turned Against Veteran Presidents,” The Daily Beast, April 2017

Deconstructing American Sniper,” The Daily Beast, February 2015

A Night Along the Divide,” The Daily Beast, April 2013

Did NBA Referees Snatch Destiny from the Sacramento Kings?” The Daily Beast, June 2012

Book Reviews

Review of The Fighters, by C.J. Chivers, The Wall Street Journal, August 2018

Review of On War and Writing, by Samuel Hynes, The Wall Street Journal, May 2018

Review of Shooting Ghosts, by Thomas Brennan and Finbarr O’Reilly, and Crossings, by Jon Kerstetter, The Wall Street Journal, September 2017

Review of Nevada Days, by Bernardo Axtaga, The Washington Post, July 2018

Review of Now & Again, by Charlotte Rogan, The Washington Post, April 2016

Moral Courage Matters: On John Hersey’s A Bell for Adano,” The Millions, January 2016

Review of Thank You For Your Service, by David Finkel, The Daily Beast, October 2013

Review of Eleven Days, by Lea CarpenterThe Daily Beast, June 2013

Review of Billy Lynn’s Long Halftime Walk, by Ben Fountain, The Daily Beast, May 2012

Review of The Operators, by Michael Hastings, The Daily Beast, January 2012

Review of Shooting Up: a Short History of Drugs and War, by Lukasz Kamienski, The Intercept, March 2016

In Defense of Once an Eagle,” TIME Magazine, Battleland, August 2011 


CNN, CNN Newsroom, September 2019

92Y, in conversation with David Petraeus, September 2016

NPR, All Things Considered, August 2016

CBS, CBS Sunday Morning video essay, March 2016

Columbia School of the Arts, March 2016

NPR, The Diane Rehm Show, February 2016

Electric Literature, February 2016

The Rumpus, September 2015

MTV News, September 2011

“Silent Posting,” by Ernesto LondonoThe Washington Post, July 2008